November 10, 2019. Patti and I took a little day trip to Fulton, Mississippi to the Midway Marina located on the Tn-Tombigbee Waterway. Very impressive marina with cabins to rent and lots of boat slips. Some of the boat owners actually live on their vessels.
The Nina & Pinta were docked there for the weekend. The Nina is an exact replica to the original Nina and was built to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s voyage in 1492. The Pinta is about 20 percent larger than the original. They travel on tour 11 months of the year and this was their last stop before taking a winter break for repairs. The original Nina had a crew of 24 and the Pinta 26, today they operate with 7 on the Nina and 9 on the Pinta. The crew are volunteers from all over the United States and the Caibbean.
. They are looking for help too! The ships were built in Valencia, Brazil by 8th generation Portuguese shipwrights. It took 32 months and 20 men for the Nina and the Pinta took 36 months.
The ships are black because they were covered in pine tar, a natural water resistant.
The weather was absolutely beautiful with a clear blue sunny sky and temps in the 60’s. Here we are on the Nina!
We enjoyed our visit on the ships! and the answer to where is the Santa Maria?? The Columbus foundation does not have a replica for 3 reasons: she never made it back to Europe, she is too big to make it throught the waterways these ships go through and Christopher Columbus did not like the Santa Maria because she was very slow and clumsy. There are no plans to build her….Sorry Santa Maria. A watery grave somewhere for her, location unknown.!
We took a ton of pictures, some of which are here and we will share some more on facebook. So glad we got out to enjoy the day as now the weather has taken a big turn for the worse . All over the U.S. so I guess we are sharing the cold with everybody else, lucky us! Oh and we also visited one of the Antique Malls in Tupelo that day, we made it through one floor, left the second story for another trip! Huge place and lots of fun things to browse. I did find a couple Fiesta pieces that I could not live without! Keep warm everyone!