yes–I have that dreaded syndrom – INMI- which stands for involuntary musical imagery. Some people also call them earworms. That gross nickname comes from the German word Ohrwurm.
I have done some reading about this annoyance. It seems that it is very common and an everyday occurrence for many people. Well at least I am not alone. Not that I ever thought I was with all these people singing in my head! Some research has been done, but evidently it is difficult if not impossible to narrow down how or why it afflicts so many of us. Research tends to support the theory that it happens most often with highly intelligent and artistic personalities. Oh okay…I made that last statement up, so shoot me!
The research also has not come up with any cure. They have a few suggestions, such as listening to the whole song in hopes of chasing it away. Or talking to someone or watching television, anything to distract the little musicians . These things do work, but alas, only a temporary fix.
It wouldn’t be quite so annoying if the little buggers would play the whole song, but no—all I ever get is a few lines over and over. And their selection of tunes really sucks too! The researchers seem to think it is something that you have recently heard or sometimes an older song that is associated with a memory that will pop that little songstress into high gear. Beats me…all I know is the Beat goes on and on and on!